Tuesday, 27 March 2012

begin at the beginning

Hi. I'm Alex Rapp and this is your life...er or mine...

I am a member of SCA Lochac and currently reside in Polit (for 11 years now). SCA-wise I am known as Alexandra Hartshorne.

I am also on Facebook if people want to look me up.

My primary focus with the SCA has been that of service, and I am a happy autocrat for many events. I currently hold the Barony records for cancelling an event and still making a proft. :)

For many years I have done basic beaded jewellery and bead work. I've supplied jewellery to the two previous and the current B&B's, as well as a number of other members of the populous. My bead work has also been commissioned as gifts to other Baronys at the request of the B&B, and I've donated a number of bead related peices for Royal taxes.

I make lots of mundane beaded jewellery, with a number of friends being both feeders of this habit (by asking me to make things for them and providing me with the beads) and receivers of gifts and presents because "It was just so you!".

Anyways, I thought I might start looking at putting up some of my beading works both the completed projects as well as those in train.

Lets see how this goes!

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