I have two 'major' projects on the go at the moment.
First is a small leather cloak motif for Mistress Leta. This is adapted from the 'pelican hat'.
As Mistress Leta doesn't have or intended to do any german garb, I've taken the motif and am going to adapt it onto the back of a small cloak for her. I am using a purple suede for the leather, which I also gave her as part of her stepping down (as Baroness) presents.
Current planning has it looking like this:
Just working out if I use a canvas layer underneath or not first. Either is actually period, I just need to decide whats easiest for me. :)
Once I get the 'sun' laid out I will then start on the pelican construction. I prefer to adapt the pelican size to the sun circle size than vice versa, as I am a little limited with the large pearls and they will be a bugger to match colourwise.
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