Tuesday, 4 August 2015

Update - Life! Laurelling!

Its been some time since I did a blog update, much of that has been due to life. I've been unable to make cheese for the past 6/7-months as my husband has been going through chemotherapy (we were told that the bacteria could complicate things so just avoid it if we can). So there really isn't much to say on the cheese making front.

However, related to that I was asked to join the order of the Laurel in April. And I am very, very happy :) I will be Laurelled later this year at Fields of Gold, Politarchopolis at the end of Nov.

And with the 'ban' on cheese making lifted I intend to offer a cheese sideboard during the feast that evening. So I am scheming and planning on what cheese to make and when. This weekend will be the first in a number of sessions making some hard cheeses (Gouda this time) and then others during the time ahead. Later, and closer to the time, there will be soft cheese as well. It will be very nice to get my cheese on again after such a long break :)

My time during the cheese hiatus was mostly spent researching animal breeds, regional influence and the 'secondary resource revolution'. When I get a chance I will put some more article links up and write up some of what I have learned.