Thursday, 9 May 2013

Completed Work - But Wait, More Spirals!

Laurelling cloak for Ffride

Straight after the Viking Apron project, I helped with the decoration on a friends cloak for her laurelling. Again sucked down the rabbit hole by Mistress Portia!

I did the spiral decoration on the ends of the cloak for (now) Mistress Ffride.

We ordered a gorgeous piece of tablet weaving from overseas (neither of us have the skills to do this awesome a job). Ffride gave us a shawl which we trimmed down into the cloak. I used some of my unused wire for the spirals. The leaf decoratives are from a bracelet from a random junk jewellery store.

For my part, I wove the spirals onto the ends of the tablet woven piece. The wool that that was used was exceptionally springy so I ended up using a 'flugalbinder' approach, which worked really quite well. We had some difficulties and some successes.

As for timeframes, I honestly can't remember. Vaguely I remember working on it for several hours over a few of days, so maybe around the 24-30 hr mark all up.

I think we both enjoyed doing it too. :) Ffride seemed pleased with the results ("Oh my, Lord!" was her very loud exclamation in the middle of her ceremony hehe). So again, total WIN!


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